Ca. Senate in Full work mode |
Rob Andrews Great B. 1500m and his sister |
The Junge's or maybe its the Hoppe's ? |
Wed. found another beautiful sunny day in sacramento, unusually cool-85 or thereabouts. We had decided to visit the downtown area and tour the Capital Building, I really expected a meeting with Governor Moonbeam ( Jerry Brown) since I was with a dignitary ( Betty), apparently his aides forgot to tell him. After an easy drive into the city, found a parking garage close to the Capital and ventured
over where we were met at the door by security and metal detectors..a modern day scourge. The capital grounds are well manicured and the interior is immaculate. We took the tour with a guide visiting both chambers of government, even being allowed down on the floor of the Senate..The story of how they saved the old building and totally rebuilt it was fascinating. We met several athletes on our tour who Betty recognized. Rob Andrews 45-49 Great Britain and his sister was very interested in Betty's PRP ( protein rich platelets) procedure as he has a achilles problem that had been bothering him for some time. Rob finished 5th in the 1500 in the finals. A very energetic German couple, Ingrid Junge, 76 finished 5th in the shot put, and her husband -different name--but she insisted he was her husband ( and he acted like one, he was wandering around the halls of the Capital and she had to go find him so she could show us she had actually existed--took about 5 min.) Felix Hoppe 80, ran a 16:53 100m and got a bronze medal --the winner of that age group ran a 15:00 flat....NO WAY...went and checked the Masters Worlds Rankings and there are faster--try 14:77. Ingrid spoke enough English that we got all that, but Mr. Junge or Mr Hoppe being the very friendly fellow he is, shook my hand and just let his wife talk--now there is a intelligent man ! We finished our tour with a walk around the outside of the capital,. We really felt we were with the "in" crowd when we came across a parade of red clad, bullhorn yelling, flag totting protesters marching on the capital with full accompaniment of press photographers and interviewers. We stopped to let them pass and I asked the bicycle policeman that was riding next to them what they were protesting ( it was in spanish so I had no clue) . He said it was the farm workers union protesting for better working conditions. Now I asked myself wasn't that what Cesar Chavez did with national publicity umpteen years ago and it was supposedly solved? Apparently not--another example I suspect portrayed by the picture of the senate above and what it is capable of. I mean after all a state that charges you different if you eat in or take out just has to be the most dysfunctional state in the land doesn't it? Then again Oregon still insists I haven't grown up enough to pump my own gas--enough political ranting.. After they passed we ventured down into the park blocks across the street and had a 'blimpie' sandwich..not nearly up to the subway quality we had been eating but it sufficed. Observed the light rail that transverses thru downtown--nice bright rail cars, very quiet, decided we had seen enough went back to the parking garage--getting real good with those pay at the entrance self pay devices...they take both the receipt you get when you enter and then they grab your credit card, and you sorta hold your breath hoping the little metal monster gives them both back to you--so far so good. We drove toward old town since we had 6 hours before the athlete party, found where to park down there and did a fast tour of all the tourist trap like places, walking by the railroad museum where the party was to be held later that night -observed them setting a large tent up in a flat packed dirt area and numerous small tents on the surround of the big tent...didnt think much about it since it was on the outside of the museum--this oversight would come back to haunt betty and all the ladies
So wonderful to read of your adventures! Way to go, Betty!! :)